little victories and midnight rituals

you are important

you are beautiful

you are worthy of love

It’s 12am and S and I have found ourselves in the only 24hr diner in the city. When we lived together we ended up sitting in the same booth at 1am trying to make sense of this life. It was our little ritual, our little secret. Now, separated by work and countless roads, we find ourselves in the same diner…in a different booth, in a different skin, in a different life.

img_2571So, after a crappy day and a restless heart we sit across from each other at 1am – at a park a block away from the diner – sharing out tears, our pain, our longing, and our hopes.

It was in that park. laughing and crying, that I was reminded of the words above: you are important, you are beautiful, you are worthy of love. And as I repeated those words to S, loving on her soul, I loved myself a little more. 

So this week and last weeks little victories are dedicated to the friends we love and the rituals that bring us life.

here a collection of little victories gathered from myself and friends:

crocheting with a friend

choosing to rest

making breakfast for yourself

watching a movie with a friend

saying no

taking a break from work

walking to the park

taking a deep breath

doing yoga

trying to love yourself a little more

asking for help


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