little victories when it feels everything is falling apart

little victories: when everything feels like its falling apart, when your chest is breaking free and your lungs can barely catch the air.


I sat across from J.  How are you feeling now? Better, much better…

It was probably one of the most courageous moments that week, probably my only one for a while. It was little victory that completely overwhelms your heart with gratitude and joy.


Joy when you feel like you’ve hit a brick wall and doom is one sleepless night away.

Joy…when your best companion is a box of tissues.

Joy, a product of taking one step in front of the others, as J texted every couple of minutes.

Joy, a little victory that came through a warm hug on a cold night in J‘s couch.
And that joy experienced when our hearts beat a little too fast and our hands shake a little too much, is the one mark of hope that we are left with, that our friends truly love us, that we’ve fostered good relationships.

So this week’s little victories are dedicated to friendships: to standing in line at 7 am for a special cup of coffee, for offering your hand, as something to hold on to, for endless nights of laughter and food.

So, joy, the little victory birthed from friendship and love, is that which holds us when things feel like and ARE falling apart.

here a collection of little victories gathered from myself and friends: 

reading a book

waking up

reaching out to a friend

saying no

saying yes

choosing to love a little more

enjoying new company

believing you’re courageous

putting one foot in front of the other